New Journal: 天空不異雲朵,雲朵不異天空   
















  2009/03/04 02:11PM


2009/03/01 Sun, cloudy, indoor 21.9°C  The Supreme Source》:Bodhicitta refers to the state of consciousness





這些世界種子從何而來?它們如何在你心中播種?我們可以稱它為「業」(karma),或種什麼種子得到什麼果(業報)。決定我們如何看待世界的種子,是經由我們如何對待他人的方式而播種在心中。(《西藏心瑜伽pp. 29-30

不過呢,《The Supreme Source》有另一種觀點。此涉及佛法所謂了義及不了義的說法,一個是 the provisional meaning,另一個則是 the definitive meaning

On overcoming their limits, understanding of the true nature dawns: this is the "definitive meaning." In general, in Buddhism all the explanations about karma, the law of cause and effect, etc., are deemed to pertain to the "provisional meaning." The real meaning corresponds to the explanation of the condition of the state of consciousness. (The Supreme Source, p. 98)

上面意思是說進入了義或絕對真理,就無所謂因果,因果是屬於不了義也就是相對真理的法則。「But when one transcends it and enter the state of consciousness, everything loses importance. That is way the text speaks of the single root, the state of consciousness.」(p. 98


這本書第四章開始,主題放在一個字:consciousness,這是我在其他佛書都沒見過的,以前我曾經懷疑唐望傳承以意識(consciousness)為依歸是一種不了義——也就是非究竟的方法,更有些書把意識扁得很低,或者他們說的是心識流(mind stream),回到英文語系中來看本文,意識沒有什麼不對,大圓滿本覺就是修意識,因為這裡把意識直接等同菩提心(bodhicitta)。

Budhicitta: the sutras 經論體系 speak at length 長篇大論 about bodhicitta as a commitment motivated by compassion to help others. At the level of the relative condition, there are deemed to be two kinds of bodhicitta. However in Dzogchen, bodhicitta does not mean only the principle of compassion characteristic of the Bodhisattva path 菩薩道. Bodhicitta is the original state, the true condition as it is, immutable. In Tibetan it is called changchubsem. In general, sem means the mind, but in this case it refers to the state of consciousness, or "nature of mind." (The Crystal and the Way of Light, p., 92) 

所以說意識的鍛鍊是正確的修行途徑,南開諾布說:「The state of consciousness can be referred to in many ways, but in Dzogchen, and especially in the Semde 心部 series, one of the terms most frequently used is bodhicitta.」(p. 92)這還真是令人驚訝呀!其實我知道自己不是很傳統佛教,是故自始至終我都不想寫太佛教文化的東西,所以我們主修大圓滿是正確的,別說修大圓滿跟四加行無關了,跟慈悲心也沒關,因為佛法中說菩提心分世俗菩提心跟勝義菩提心,這裡南開諾布乾脆結論,勝義菩提心就是意識j狀態的本性(the nature of mind)。


接下來的本文採用一問一答的,有一個代表意識狀態(the state of consciousness)的叫大寫的 Kunjed Gyalpo(小寫的話跟前面是同義詞)在說話。這個意識狀態傢伙呢是由三種本初智慧所組成:essence, nature and energy,從這種意識狀態又輻射出五種智慧(五毒轉為五智):attachment, anger, pride, ignorance, and jealousy。另外由此意識狀態也生起形成物質的五種元素:地、水、火、風、空,此乃 as qualities of the energy of the state of consciousness」,因此「usually it is said that the state of consciousness of each individual is the real center of the universe」(p. 94)。以下這段很重要,我畫了星號,大寫的 Kunjed Gyalpo 其實是本初普賢王如來(法身佛),他跟 Sattvavajra 說:

"Engage your mind in hearing." that is, in sound. This is highly significant because sound is our main means of communication. A mantra, for example, only becomes effective when it is recited or chanted, because it is through sound that it is connected with a specific power. For us, moreover, living in the human dimension, any vision that appears before us, whether good or bad, is living energy manifesting externally. When there is a vision, there is also its energy, and it is thanks to the latter that we are able to see and perceive the other sense objects. But what is the means through which this energy is able to contact us? It is through sound. Living in sound frequently advises to "enter into sound." (The Crystal and the Way of Light, pp. 94-95)

2009/03/02 Mon, cloudy/raining, indoor 20.4°C  The Supreme Source》:Liberation means to overcome one's limits


墮入輪迴是怎麼回事呢?這段蠻重點的,因為人老愛問無始之始的問題,看看本初佛大寫 Kunjed Gyalpo 如何解說:

Kunjed Gyalpo says, "Before I existed." What does this mean? It means before the state of consciousness. In general, one speaks of the origin, of the beginning of existence, but from which point of view? From the point of view of the condition of mind. In fact, if we want really to believe that there is a beginning, what could it be? The moment we enter into dualism 二元. For example, when we meditate abiding in the condition of the state of consciousness, we can be in a calm state, free of thoughts. Then suddenly, a thought arises, like a fish jumping out of water; we follow it, and enter into dualism. This is the beginning. Obviously this is a "small" beginning, but it enables us to understand the true nature of the origin of existence: it is dualism. Whence, then, does this dualism arise? Always and only from the state of consciousness; there is no other origin. Thus, it is written that before the state of consciousness, there is nothing that can be identified by concepts or defined in any way. (The Supreme Source, p. 95) 

(說的)漂亮!你有沒有看過宗薩仁波切拍的電影《旅行者與魔術師》(Travelers and Magicians)?一對兄弟,哥哥去上魔法課,弟弟太小只能在窗外偷聽。哥哥整天想追妹妹,弟弟則很有研究精神。一天弟弟去幫哥哥送便當,在山巔草原上,弟弟淘氣幫哥哥的飲料下藥,結果哥哥一喝開始做夢。他夢見自己騎著白馬馳騁在山上草嶺,隨後進入森林迷了路。順著小徑來到一戶人家,這家夫妻倆,是標準的老夫少妻,少妻長得美艷,不得已只好收留哥哥過夜。由於老夫怕少妻受到壯男誘惑因此與世隔絕,白天老夫要去山裡工作,少妻在家織布,由於一直沒有時間送哥哥出山,這對登對的年輕男女日久生情且發生肉體關係。少妻計畫謀殺親夫,哥哥只好執行。他們在酒裡下了毒,老夫心知肚明,哥哥心裡忐忑。藥可能下不夠重,老夫要死不活的,哥哥後悔了要自己出山,少妻苦苦糾纏一路跟到山底要涉溪。一不留神,哥哥看到少妻落水,衣衫在溪水裡飄呀飄的,他後悔莫名,苦苦地呼喊她的名字。


哥哥滴下一滴淚來,落在剛剛喝的水碗裡,弟弟問他:「怎麼了?」哥哥如夢初醒,一切的遭遇都如夢幻一樣,如此真實卻毫不存在,只能欷噓地收拾收拾跟著弟弟回家。這個就是第一念起,後念此起彼落,所有現象依此而顯、所有經驗依此而生,是謂輪迴。很早前也看過一位西藏人妻兒都死光了,傷心過度睡著了做了個夢,在夢裡有了妻小,如何飛黃騰達,反正經驗一場醒來一切只是個夢。對已達 the state of consciousness 的人而言,輪涅未曾有,一切只是顯現。所以大圓滿要用鏡子做例子,本始基就是鏡子,萬象就是鏡中影。用天空來說明:

The conclusion of all the teachings is Dzogpa Chenpo, the state of bodhicitta. "Where is this state? In the dimension of dharmata 法性," the true condition of the state of consciousness. "Where does it manifest, where does it become clear? In the sky — in the space of the pure presence of rigpa 本覺," meaning in the union of emptiness and clarity." Where is it present? Both in the outer world, in the environment, and in the inner world, in beings." In short, it is omnipresent 無所不在的, but this should not be misconstrued 誤會 as similar to the denotation 本義 of "omnipresence" as one of the attributes of God in Christianity. In this case "omnipresence" indicates that our outer world is our own creation, a karmic vision, an appearance tied to ignorance 無明 of the true condition. (The Supreme Source, p., 97)

我想講一下,那種超越一切的無限制的不起一念的狀態。大圓滿見或 the state of consciousness 如何應用於生活中呢?

A practitioner of Dzogchen must be aware of all the teachings and know how to apply them because Dzogchen is not a school or sect that imposes limits. Any method can prove useful as long as it is practiced in the spirit of Dzogchen. Each teaching has its "narrowness" that says you must do this, you must not do that. But this in not so in Dzogchen because the aim of this teaching is to liberate, and in this case this does not mean only from transmigration in samsara 輪迴, a topic that is much discussed. Liberation means helping one to emerge from one's "narrowness," to overcome one's limits, and any method can be used to achieve this aim. (The Supreme Source, p. 100)



2009/03/03 Tue, cloudy, indoor 20.3°C  The Supreme Source》:the path of meditation


繼續 The Supreme Source》,中午看到噶拉多傑也就是極喜金剛的英文是 Vajra of Supreme Pleasure,所以是直翻,真的是極喜。昨天摘到解脫意謂幫助我們從個人的狹隘中跳脫出來,也就是克服個人的侷限或限制。基於此,任何方法都可以拿來用。譬如說,大圓滿行者也可以練習金剛薩埵淨業法門、觀想金剛薩埵且持其咒語,「But the Dzogchen tantras never speak of visualizing anything.」(p. 100)這裡也提到,這種態度同樣應用於獻供(offerings),「Nevertheless, the offerings are always made in the Dzogchen attitude and not in an ordinary way, without being conditioned by the concept of something exterior.」(pp. 100-101


資深佛友寫過關於not in an ordinary way的獻供



什麼叫法的境地?「Kunjed Gyalpo says, "I am the root of all dharmas. I am the nature of all dharmas, of all existence.」(p. 101)說的其實就是法——所有現象。

But in term of the state of consciousness, this is comparable to a reflection on the surface of a mirror. The only way to overcome obstacles is the path of wisdom, and in this regard, it is more important to practice one hour of meditation, cognizant of its true meaning, than to do prostrations 大禮拜 for ten years. Why so? Doing prostrations is a means of physical purification that depends on one's intention. People who prostrate are convinced they need purification, they want to purify themselves, and it is precisely this intention that makes purification and the accumulation of virtue possible. Practitioners of meditation, conversely, know that the path of meditation can eliminate many obstacles, even in a relatively short time. In fact, realization follows upon total purification from obstacles. (The Supreme Source, p. 104)

Kunjed Gyalpo 結論說" I am the root of all existence."Just as the sky is omnipresent」(p. 101)。越往後讀越高興,因為呢,大圓滿心部根本沒有禪定對象,「nothing to meditate」,不需要觀想、持咒、搞些分心的事,我真的覺得我修持咒冥想法反而不會靜坐了,吵死了,轟轟轟的,你知道有幾年,我在家裡 Reiki 座上傳靈氣,都可以坐上一個鐘頭以上,那時出體好強啊!所以我肯定是方法錯了,那些方法不適合我,如上所述大禮拜做十年,不如好好想想禪修的意義。其他的「nothing to meditate」,還包括不需要直、不講究姿勢、不校正發音、不修整心思等等。


2009/03/04 Wed, sunny, outdoor 28-23°C, indoor 21.9°C  The Supreme Source》:nothing to meditate



This is because once one enters the true meaning of meditation, knowledge of the state of consciousness, then negative karmic deeds can easily be overcome without needing to resort to lengthy purification methods. That is why in Dzogchen it is said that realization does not depend on one's age, intelligence, or education but only on one's knowledge of the state of consciousness; this is the conclusion of the teaching. (The Supreme Source, p.105)



南開諾布說明「無可冥想」(nothing to meditate)意指「not creating with the mind, not entering into activity, not correcting, leaving everything in the authentic condition as it is」。基本上跟師父所說「因故身口意三無整」差不多。

There is nothing on which to meditate, there is no color for form to imagine, there is no concept on which to fix one's attention. Were there one, it would no longer be true meditation. This is called gom med, and the highest level of practice in Mahamudra大手印 is defined in the same way, equivalent, in short, to tregchod 且卻(力斷) in Dzogchen. (The Supreme Source, p. 105)



"Do not correct your body." What does "correct your body" mean? Following instructions to assume a certain posture, for example the lotus position, in order to breathing exercises, and so on. However, our text says not to correct but rather to relax. "Do not meditate on the deity 本尊," do not think about, concentrate on, or visualize a deity.


"Do not correct your voice." Correcting the voice refers to two things: first, to reciting mantra 咒語 or saying virtuous words 好話 instead of cursing or speaking arrogantly 傲慢地; second, to breathing and the circulation of prana , for example by using particular breath retentions or conduction the pranic force along determined energy courses of the subtle body 微細身. All of this entails "correcting" one's voice and breathing.


"Do not concentrate or visualize," for example the channels, or cakras, or a syllable symbolizing the state of consciousness, etc.: one should not even do this. Why not? "Because if you correct," says Kunjed Gyalpo, "you will never reach the real condition. You need only discover what is, without correcting or seeking to construct something new. In fact, the final phrase: "Do not correct the mind!" (The Supreme Source, p. 107)

是不是很棒?!什麼都不要做,無修無整,但是我們有辦法保持第一念而沒有第二念嗎?竹仁波切說:「第一生時裸體識起,接續有愧人間造作。」南開諾布這裡也有講到身口意三無整的段落,上面所說的許多「不做」也跟唐望的「不做」一樣意思,只有一個重點:不分心。「However, this should not become an excuse for not doing anything: there is no concept to which to adhere, but we must not get distracted!」(p. 109)本部分結論:

Macho means not to correct; mitog means not thinking, not in the sense of blocking thought, but instead, simply not entering into mental activity, not creating thought nor correcting. This is the state of dharmakaya 法身. (The Supreme Source, 109)

所以說「don't think too much」對一半,還要 not get distracted


2009/03/04 02:21PM


2009/03/06 Fri, raining, indoor 19.9°C  The Supreme Source》:samayaless samaya


大圓滿四個三昧耶戒,只有四個,我歸納為:空、明、不二與完美無缺。話說宣誓成為三寶弟子即開始遵守三昧耶戒(samaya,也就是 commitment),小乘、大乘戒律林林總總不一而足,出家、在家都有戒律不得違犯。我最喜歡聽南開諾布說 However

However, in Dzogchen the principle is different. When, in daily life, one remains in the natural state, abiding in awareness and presence, there are no rules to observe, there is nothing specific one has to do: it is enough not to get distracted, remaining in present awareness. Our text talks of the principle of "samayaless samaya" because there is not the limiting consideration of having to perform a particular action. In Dzogchen, commitment is not something one has to uphold with effert because the nature of the state of consciousness is the unborn, beyond all limitations: this is its condition, and real samaya simply consists in the presence of this knowledge. (The Supreme Source, p. 113)

「沒有三昧耶戒的三昧耶戒」,就跟「沒有做夢的做夢」一樣,你會嗎?無夢之夢我會,但「samayaless samaya」我不會,這太高段了!

Dzogchen talks of four characteristic samayas:

(1) medpa, or absence — as all is empty from the beginning there is nothing to confirm;

(2) chalwa, or omnipresence — this is clarity that manifests;

(3) chigpu, or single — the state of the individual as pure, non-dual presence;

(4) lhundrub, or self-perfected. In short, this means that the state of consciousness of each individual is the center of the universe. The condition of each person is like the sun beyond the clouds. Even though at times the clouds obscure the sun so that we cannot see it, the quality of the sun always exists and never changes. That is why the state is said to be self-perfected form the origin. (The Supreme Source, p. 113)

以上四個三昧耶戒,簡單說起來就是:(1)空性(emptiness);(2)明性(clarity);(2)不二(non-dualism);(3)本自圓滿(self-perfection)。順口溜就是:明空不二完美無缺。要你遵守這個戒律,會嗎?所謂「宇宙的中心」,不是那種 self-centered,因為之前南開諾布說過瞭解我們自身也就等同瞭解全宇宙,所以我今天不免再想,西方人發明什麼平行宇宙,如果每個人都是宇宙的中心,我活在這個幻相只有我是存有其餘都是我的投射,那我有什麼好爭好怨的;縮小一點想,每個人接觸範圍內都以其為中心投射出他的生活圈,大家其實都配合著投射過來投射過去,所以達賴喇嘛才說:「當你看見我,你看見你自己。」


2009/03/07 Sat, raining, indoor 19.3°C  The Supreme Source》:「beyond the capcity for spiritual action

我們提到 Kunjed Gyalpo 的部分是第二部的第四章,南開諾布在講解 The Eighty-four Chapters of the Kunjed Gyalpo。第 43 章提到外在上師跟我們的內在上師是無分別的:

The teacher is the person who explains and clarifies the condition of the state of consciousness. However, if one considers him or her someone "outside" who shows something to the disciple, this would not correspond to the ultimate meaning. It is rather a case of reawakening or rediscovering the truth for oneself. Teacher and disciple are not two different things: there is no dualism between them. The teacher is not outside, but instead manifests inside, from the very condition of the state of consciousness. (The Supreme Source, p. 111)

所以拜了師後,要將師徒視為一體之展現,但上師不能為我們發現我們自己的真實,我們得自己去發現它。南開諾布說大圓滿的目的就是覺醒、獲得自由(to awaken, to liberate),到某一點「the individual finally awaken an perceives his or her nature」(p. 11),這份解悟來自於自己而非倚賴上師。南開諾布說大圓滿行者不應受任何情況所困,甚至法教、練習、儀式、信仰等等,「they must only discover the real condition」(p. 112)。Real condition 可以理解為實相,或是究竟真理,或者唐望傳承「看見者」的「看見 」,雖然他們稱之為解離的真實(A Separate Reality),且又稱之為 The Active Side of Infinity,當然前者是過程,後者則是結果。


Beyond 一般翻成「凌駕」,我還沒用過「凌駕」這個動詞,一般我們會說「超越」。進到第 47 章「beyond the capacity for spiritual action」,超越靈修活動。為什麼呢?南開諾布解釋西藏解釋業(karma)有兩個詞:梵語 le trinlele 不是法文,指的是基於因果所產生的行為;trinle 則主要指基於透過修密(tantric practice)所獲得的力量所產生的行為。後面這個跟成就等次有關,說起來有點像唐望說的智者的敵人,因為修法之故行者獲致某些成就而獲致某種力量,譬如有了某方面的神通,而這些神通反過來成為行者的限制或敵人,行者只有一再超越這些階段性成就才能獲最終的佛果也就是智慧。

In short, all four actions can be useful until the attainment of total realization. However, at times practitioners get stuck on secondary aspects, and once they obtain certain powers, such as those tied to the fourth action, they block their own progress and diverge from the fundamental aim. A practitioner may realize the specific power of only one of those four actions, as this does not automatically include the other three: thus it is a limited attainment. (The Supreme Source, p. 116)

四項成就是:pacifying, enriching, conquering, elimination,也就是所謂息、增、懷、誅四成就。像作明佛母(咕嚕咕咧佛母)屬於懷法。


2009/03/08 Sun, raining, indoor 19.1°C  The Supreme Source》: no bhumis or sole bhumi  


The Supreme Source》講完「智者的敵人」,接下來大圓滿不說「五道十地」,它說根本無「地」或只有一個「地」。話說回來我是修大圓滿的預科生,雖然還在大乘道德規範看管內,終究要打破一切規範。大圓滿怎說六波羅蜜?

Practice in the Mahyana sutra, for example, consists in the six paramitas`波羅蜜, or perfections: generosity 布施, morality 持戒, patience 忍辱, diligence 精進, concentration 禪定, and wisdom 智慧. Furthermore, the process of spiritual evolution follows the gradual course of the "five paths." 五道 All of this closely connected with the partition of progress in ten bhumis , or levels of realization. In fact, according to the path of the Bodhisattva 菩薩道, realization is the result of a gradual process of improvement. As this path lacks the direct introduction to knowledge of the primordial 本初 state, the only means that remains is gradual improvement. (The Supreme Source, pp. 116-117) 

所以大圓滿強調直指教授,直接介紹本覺,除此以外的其他方法都只能漸進而成。但直指的時機還是端賴弟子準備好與否,也就是適不適合承接法教,是的話就是資優班,不然就只能去放牛班慢慢混了,等待時機成熟。說到耶喜或移喜,藏文叫 yesheye origin 之意,she 則是意識(consciousness)或智慧(wisdom),合起來就是 primordial knowledge,彷彿有點像唐望所指的寂靜的知識the power of silence。這種智慧是於自身生起的(self-arising),不是向外求來的知識。由於這種智慧是本自具足,再來便講到「無地」:

The Kunjed Gyalpo says there are no bhumis because once we have properly understood what realization is, then everything depends on knowledge or living in this condition: it is merely a matter of ripening. Once we have discovered the sun, the only thing that remains is to overcome the obstacle of the clouds. Fundamentally, there are no bhumis, no levels in the condition of the "sun," so, in general, one says dzogpa chenpo sa chigpa, total perfection is the single bhumi , and it depends on knowing or not knowing, having or not having knowledge of primordial state. This is that first and sole bhumi . (The Supreme Source, p. 118)

無「地」或單一「地」,決定於知不知道、具不具備本初狀態的知識,就是本覺、自心本性,也可稱自性,就如同認識太陽一樣,一旦認識就是認識了,沒有說我今天認識 1/10(一地),過兩年認識 1/5(兩地),但我覺得深化認識好比多瞭解一個人(功用與功德),所以大圓滿行者一旦受上師直指心性而後認識了之後,修持便是保持住那樣的意識狀態,時刻不離本覺,所以才說成消除雲的障蔽,而自性明光終將越來越強。我也是理論上瞭解而已。


南開諾布也解釋 the state of consciousness 的其他同義詞,bodhicitta 菩提心, dharmadhatu 法界, condition of space, self-arising wisdom, dharmakaya 法身, sambhogakaya 報身, nirmanakaya 化身, three vajras 三金剛, omniscience 全知, three wisdoms, four wisdoms, five wisdoms 五智等等。有些太複雜瞭解,知道菩提心說的是同樣的事情就好了。


52 章講到「beyond desire」。

In fact, usually we live at the mercy of desire on the one hand and of worry on the other. In this way we only create problems, so we must overcome both desire for liberation and worry about transmigration.

In this regard, the text discusses the "karmic traces," attachments that have remained latent, like traces. In our life many kinds of traces may manifest, especially in our dreams in the early part of the night. (The Supreme Source, p. 119)



2009/03/04 02:14PM


2009/03/09 Mon, raining/cloudy, indoor 18.9°C  The Supreme Source》:「生氣有理,記恨不行」


超越心意識我還不渴望,保持意識比較真實。昨天講到超越欲望(beyond desire)。Desire 本身無錯,錯在 worry,唐望說「一憂慮就被得到」,但他沒有關於 desire 的評論。我們今天先來摘有關生氣的部分。第 67 章談到智慧有兩種模態(modes of practice):rejog, nyamjog,兩種慢跑」(jog啦。先講高段「慢跑」jog:遇事不判斷保持覺知,維持事物的本貌,情緒生起就自解脫。講笑話?那是辦不到的事。初階「慢跑」jog呢?

By and large, rejog can be rendered "changing level." If a thought arises which disturbs us, we do not get rid of it. Instead, we notice that this thought is worrying or disturbing us and pursue it a little, observing it: in this way we bring it to the level of presence of awareness, as if we were watching a film, noticing everything that happens without falling into indifference. The aim, evidently, is not the investigation of where the thought ends up, but the achievement of the state of presence and awareness. So from the first moment a thought arises, we must not remain indifferent. However, even it we "allow" ourselves to be transported by the thought a bit, this must always be done with awareness, governed by presence. (The Supreme Source, p. 126)

這裡說的可能不太容易讓人瞭解,首先我們對意識臨在的覺知不夠,或者不知道什麼叫臨在(presence);此外,趁著或追著思潮一點點(a bit, a little),多少才叫「一點點」?南開諾布舉例說明:

In our case we "let" ourselves get angry, but we do not enter into the anger as if we were compelled or conditioned by the emotion. We do not block it, nor do we let it disappear by instantaneously finding ourselves in its own condition, like in the principle of self-liberation or nyamjog. So, we let ourselves get angry and observe how far we go, how we react, but always with awareness: this is called rejog. (The Supreme Source,p. 127)

小乘用的方法可能是壓抑一個不好的念頭或想法,大乘則用空性擺脫它,說擺脫可能也不是自解脫而是一種 reject。南開諾布說「the practice of rejog is necessary for those people who do not have sufficient clarity, or who are unable precisely to find the level of presence of awareness」(p. 126)清明性不夠或不知何謂臨在覺知的人,可以練習 rejog

This way of practicing is quite useful in life, because in this manner one can learn to be in control of any action one carries out. To give another example, at times a child can irritate his or her parents terribly, but it is unlikely that they will really get angry with their child: rather they will show anger so the child can understand his or her mistake. This is somewhat similar to the practice called rejog, because it is based on the principle of awareness. (The Supreme Source, p. 127)

所以師現忿怒尊也是為了教育弟子知錯。我還沒有真的是假生氣(對小孩當然是假生氣),多半時候是真的生氣,但氣來時,我就拍桌子罵人,罵完我就繼續做我的事。除非嚴重干擾到我,這時用 rejog 就沒效了。以上是今天所讀「生氣有理,記恨不行」的段落。


63 章講到灌頂的意義。當然我們知道灌頂是修法的許可,沒有灌頂的開許,其修法將無法結果(Without premission, the pracitce does not give results)。南開諾布說灌頂的真義是要介紹給弟子或讓其瞭解本初狀態的情況(the condition of the primordial state)。所以大原滿講介紹(introduction)等於是灌頂(initiation)的意思。

In fact we can only claim to have received the final initiation the moment we really understand the state of knowledge introduced by the teacher. A person may have received countless tantric initiations over a period of many years, but unless he or she has been introduced to the true meaning of Dzogchen, then in fact he or she has not yet received the true initiation. (The Supreme Source, pp. 124-125)

照此說來我們都沒有領受真正的灌頂,只是從事南開諾布所說的降低阻力而已,他說:「the true meaning: the initiation will reduce their hindrances, but it will not enable them to achieve the final goal」。(p. 125)不過沒有關係啦,有礙掃除、無礙強身嘛,所以沒事不要一天到晚趕灌頂法會。結論:「Kunjed Gyalpo says that the true initiation is knowledge of the state of consciousness: right from the start we try to attain this level without thinking that there is something to receive from outside.」(p. 125


2009/03/010 Tue, cloudy, indoor 18.9°C  The Supreme Source》:「就在今天,我不憂慮」


第二部我們讀完了。Kujed Gyalpo Chapter 66,概要提到關於行為要「without accepting or rejecting」,這些都是基於破除二元論(dualism)而說的,因為在本初意識狀態根本也無所謂接受或拒絕。我想多半我們關係失敗一方面在於我們限定了一個固定理想模式,致使誰都格格不入,雖然兩個人之間的不合是多方面的,但上師說跟任何人都要處得來所以對於他人最好不要預設一個既定模式以削足適履。


靈氣師父王靜蓉那裡上課,我們學習「同意」。一次應靈氣同學之邀參加奧修門徒的一日營,四位老師之一是位催眠師,他有粉絲(病患)來上課,其中一位老師是催眠師的女友。上課中途,該學員病發鬧場,催眠師把她請走後,對於此事件欲言又止,便徵求我們在場學員的「同意」,同意他解釋一下原委。昨天報紙 Twitter 微網誌有個名詞叫「跟隨」,似乎跟「同意」異曲同工,但大圓滿要不迎不拒,我們凡人凡事 have no comments

When we says that the behavior is not accepting or rejecting anything, that it is without desire or worry, and so on, this simply means one must not be conditioned from outside. However, we should not let ourselves be conditioned by the outside and instead should base ourselves on the principle of awareness. In this case, one can talk of "self-liberation of behavior": the individual becomes the center of existence and is no longer conditioned by anything. (The Supreme Source, pp. 126-127)

基於此,對方如何的情況便動搖不到我的況。因為一旦我同意或接受就陷入二元論,應該是這樣來理解。一位留言版修奇蹟課程的的 AW 說的很對:從來就沒有其他人哪。

Self-perfection is not something that can be sought. This point concerns in particular the achievement of realization, whose fundamental principle is to leave behind desires and worry, hope and fear. In Chod practice the verses that express the commitment of altruistic 利他的 aspiration for enlightenment say: "In order to become aware of the true condition, I commit myself beyond hope and fear." Both the desire and hope to achieve enlightenment and the worry and fear of not succeeding must be transcended. (The Supreme Source, p. 127) 







靈氣師父荷田寫道:「憂慮是一種指標,它顯示出你如何困在自我當中,如何執著所擁有的東西。憂慮的人忘記這個身心其實只是一齣戲劇中被創造出來的角色。」她還說——當然聽起來非常「新時代」——「當你所接受的並不如預期,也要相信那是目前最佳狀況。」(《靈氣:臼井自然療法pp. 56-57)好險我不用接受什麼,光一個「我是宇宙的中心」就打死了一切顯現。所以,就在今天,我不憂慮;你也不用替我憂慮。對於我們的本質,那不是什麼變數我們善盡我們自己的義務。


接下來 Chapter 70 講到禪修冥想(meditation)。南開諾布把六波羅蜜中的禪定說成 concentration,好像是進入一種專注狀態。所有禪修都在練習專注力,所謂的止觀,分為「止」calm state 和「觀」clear seeing,南開諾布這裡說的是止即是觀、觀即是止,當然這又是破除二元論說的,舉的例子就是「天空不異雲朵、雲朵不異天空」。

Usually the practice of Buddhist meditation starts with shine, or "calm state", subsequently proceeding to lhagthong, or "clear seeing". To achieve the state of shine, which can be compared to a calm sea, one applies concentration with or without an object. So the principle underlying all of these practices is that of remaining in a condition of neither creating thoughts nor blocking them if they arise. Focusing on a candle flame can be a useful way to concentrate attention. It is necessary to continue without thinking anything and without leaving the point of focus, which serves to hold the attention. (The Supreme Source, p. 128)

觀是指對某瞭解生起特定經驗,並非僅止於感受至福(bliss)、空性、明性、明空不二,或看見什麼三頭六臂或特殊境相。南開諾布說沒有基於對本初意識真正的瞭解,不可能生起真正的觀,也就是 clear seeing。如果有人湊巧看見什麼境相或自以為是淨相,可能視力特殊,不然就是配合想像力吧。

However true Ihagthong, especially in Dzogchen, is the blooming of clarity, and this only takes place upon actually achieving knowledge of the state of consciousness. Before this level one cannot talk of real lhagthong because one is still relying on experiences and sensations. A practitioner can feel very happy, can feel indescribable joy, but basically remains conditioned by sensations tied to the body and its energy. (The Supreme Source, p. 128)



2009/03/12 Thur, sunny, indoor 22.9°C   The Supreme Source》:天空不異雲朵,雲朵不異天空 



Because, in conclusion, shine and lhagthong are at the same level, just like the calm state and the movement of thought. When we see clouds, we think: "Here are some clouds covering the sky," because we are convinced that the sky stretches behind the clouds. But in fact, sky and clouds are the same thing: what is sky is also cloud, what is cloud is also sky, it is only their way of appearing different that makes us call one sky and the other cloud. It is the same here. Whether one calls it shine or lhagthong, the true condition always remains the same: shine is lhagthong and lhagthong is shine. And in any case, their final goal must concur with knowledge of the state of consciousness. (The Supreme Source, p. 129)

The Supreme SourcePart Two: An Introduction to the Kunjed Gyalpo: An Oral Commentary by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu 的兩章,我們已經全部摘要完畢。好險昨天我拿出《敦珠新寶藏前行讚頌》來看,幾乎都是儀軌偈文,卷二有篇(前世)敦珠法王於 1979 年開示的〈前行修習的大圓滿見〉剛好呼應《The Supreme Source》,這個 source 就是本覺。我終於知道敦珠法王的前世是舍利弗——也就是觀自在菩薩《心經》裡對話的的舍利子。我們從頭摘起:

任何修持務使世俗諦與勝義諦雙運、善巧方便與智慧雙運、覺受與空性雙運。因為這個原故,我們便以「前行」這個修持來作為善巧方便。到了修持的最後部分,即上師瑜伽,當上師與你無二無別相融,於平等住中入定之際,我們便達致智慧的層次。(《敦珠新寶藏前行讚頌p. 20

敦珠法王講四加行完全從世俗勝義兩邊來「雙照」,這是一種比較讓我信服的說法,因為中午讀《The Supreme Source》本論翻譯,九乘扣掉小乘,菩薩乘、金剛乘(除了阿底瑜伽)都逃脫不了超越因果的思維,但也因此分別要三大劫、七世、三世這樣久的時間才瞭悟本覺。敦珠法王這裡也說:「我們思維任何所作,不論它是善行或惡行,總逃不出業力的範疇。」(p. 20)我們來聽聽「本覺」——老師的老師——怎麼說:

(本論是由兩人對話而成,一位是作為弟子的 Sattvavajra 向「Teacher of teachers, supreme source, pure and total consciousness」提問)

These, then, in summary are the six ways of seeking to obtain a fruit it is believed one does not already possess: basing oneself on the two truth; engaging in three purities; separating view and behavior; engaging in behavior entailing acceptance and rejection; meditating on the three characteristic phases; apprehending the dimension of emptiness and wisdom of cause and effect.

Pure and total consciousness is like space. In the true condition of the nature of mind, similar to space, there is no view on which to meditate nor commitment to observe, there is no capacity for spiritual action to obtain nor wisdom to develop, there are no levels of realization to cultivate nor path to tread, there is no consideration of a subtle substance nor of a duality to be re-integrated as unity, there is no final teaching apart from pure and total consciousness. Being the true nature beyond affirmation and negation, there is no secret teaching that can compare with it. This is view of total perfection, pure and total consciousness. (The Supreme Source, pp. 145-146)

即便到了第八乘阿努瑜伽,也就是噶舉派的大手印,依然被說服依循因果的概念(convinced the dimension of emptiness and wisdom in terms of cause and effect),本論說:「As this amounts to affirming a cause that does not exist and, conversely, negating and effect that does exist, they remain hindered until they achieve the certainty that transcends affirming and negating.」(p. 145)我們目前還活在相對真理(世俗諦)中,因果只有在相對真理的次元中存在。

若不假借這些世俗的說法,便無法體會到勝義。若不依靠世俗的色身,我們便不能了悟心性的真實義。同理,如果沒有世俗修持(即善巧方便),我們便不能直接體認空性。是故世俗與勝義雙運,如秤不離鉈。明白這個道理實在是非常重要。(《敦珠新寶藏前行讚頌p. 20


從空性中生起輪迴界的一且世俗顯現。一定要徹底明白它們的實相和顯現究竟是如何。此見地實在非常重要,否則行者的止觀將會沈滯。只是枯坐而說「一切皆空」,有如將一隻小杯倒置,杯中的微小空間無非只是狹窄而侷限的虛空。(《敦珠新寶藏前行讚頌p. 24



2009/03/13 Fri, cloudy/raining, indoor 22.9°C   十七 



2009/01/17 11:35AM. 好像在摘錄一個小男孩的口述,他前面有講但我筆記本沒有抄到。我上樓時「我哥」問我,他說先初謄,到時候再潤飾。我在台中家一樓餐廳重聽那個錄音。第一,它的抬頭是什麼?第一批「落地名單」——好像外星人來落地的名單啦(呵呵!)為了摘我本來要繼續聽那一段,但是也沒有在聽,因為我要跟我媽講,他——男孩啦——跟我們出體的方式不大一樣,他跟另外一個女的也不一樣。他都是先看到一朵花還是一朵什麼,反正一個東西霧霧的,然後他穿過去,就變跨過兩個不同的世界;另外一個女的也是在一堆很亂的圖當中,選一個放大,進去,到另外一個境界。我跟我媽說但還沒說,我不是這樣出體。


我們是因為妄念和苦的緣故,而在輪迴中流轉,為求脫離痛苦,因此我們「皈依」。因為我們不能得見自身實性,和由於種種因緣和合玵起的妄念,遂生起這個幻化身軀。此幻化身始終被執為真實,除非我們能見一切法的真實體性為止。因此,直至究竟脫離妄念之前,身軀「存在」,痛苦亦「存在」,同時亦有三寶「存在」,讓我們作為皈依。(《敦珠新寶藏前行讚頌p. 21








2009/03/16 Mon, sunny, indoor 21.4°C 〈前行修習的大圓滿見〉:能、所、所作皆是自身的根本覺


繼續來摘〈前行修習的大圓滿見〉。後來我才知道 Ddharmadhatu 是法界。一般世俗業力男女終生陷於一種不斷循環的泥沼。所以我們要超越業力男女,這樣的關係無疑能勝過其他業力結構的結合。就好像結個婚,第一年到最後一年,既沒有獲得學位,如果也沒有任何長進,需要這種經驗嗎?我認為純粹業力使然,但我們需要更世俗勝義兼備的觀點。

是故,從外義來說,人們應該虔誠地皈依佛法僧。但從密義來說,佛法僧無非只是表義,亦無非是引導我們脫離輪迴的甚深方便而已。從勝義諦的觀點而言,佛法僧皆在我們心中。於勝義層次中,我們這個空性的心,既是內自光明,亦即覺性,它本身便是佛寶。從外義來說,「法」體現為音聲和詞義;你聽聞後依之修持;但從密義的觀點而言,它是空性。實在來說,它便是根本覺無盡無礙之內自光明的展現。又,從外義來說,僧是歸心於法的人;但密義而言,僧就是心性遍滿和包涵的一面。(《敦珠新寶藏前行讚頌p. 21


佛法僧其實已圓滿具足於我們的心中,因為不了解這一點,所以我們必須皈依表義的佛法僧。當正確地修習前行時,以無比誠信的「意」觀想皈依境,以自己的「身」作謙恭的頂禮,亦以自己的「語」念皈依頌。最後,當你在修持結尾定住,並融入自身的觀想中時,便會體悟到此三者——能、所、所作,皆是自身的根本覺(rigpa)。觀想者是自身;皈依境是自身所生,如是住於根本覺的體性中;除根本覺無所尋伺。(《敦珠新寶藏前行讚頌p. 21

這個能、所、所作,應該是講三輪體空的作者、受者與所作之事,基本上就是顯現(展現),「一切事物(法)都是依緣起而生,是因為種種條件(諸緣)聚集(和合)而成。」譬如水中之月——月影映於水中,水是基本主因(因緣),月是輔因(增上緣),「當兩者相遇時,緣起呈現,此為因緣與增上緣同時顯現所致」(p. 23)。



直接地說,輪迴的因緣或基礎就是「我執」(水)。繼而所有如幻的展現便成為增上緣(水之月影)。當眾緣和合時,即有輪迴三界的顯現。一切事物(法)都只是依於緣生的模式而存在。龍樹曾說:「除緣起外,別無他法。」因此,除空性外,別無他法可言。大乘的勝義見地即為空性;此觀點並不存在於層次較低的教法中。(《敦珠新寶藏前行讚頌p. 23




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